Life Insurance.
As independent producers we have access to over 150 insurers. Our focus is to help educate and then match our client’s needs and desires with the right type and amount of life insurance. We can assist you with many types of life insurance, but we specialize in specifically designed whole life and convertible term insurance. Protection and savings are the foundation of any solid financial plan. Let us help with all your life insurance needs.
How much guaranteed income for life do you have in your portfolio? Did you know replacing some or all of your bond holdings with annuities can increase your returns while simultaneously reducing your overall risk. Let us show you how to turn a risky nest egg into guaranteed paychecks for life or even generational paychecks for life.
Bank on Yourself.
As a Bank On Yourself® Professional we have the training, expertise, and network to help you navigate and implement the Bank on Yourself (infinite banking, cashflow banking, perpetual wealth, 770 account) concept. Learning and implementing this concept could be the single best financial decision you ever made.
Retirement Planning.
Retirement planning begins with an understanding of the retirement risks. A good financial plan and retirement plan anticipates a reasonable and/or guaranteed return while mitigating as many risks as possible. If you plan to draw your retirement income from a 401k, IRA, or nest egg you may be vulnerable to tax risk, market risk, sequence of return risk, withdraw rate risk, long-term care/out-of-pocket medical risk, and of course longevity risk.
Wealth/Legacy Planning.
With proper planning, understanding, and faith every person should live an abundant life of love. A good person leaves an inheritance for their children’s children. Let us share with you the financial tools that can turn a taxable estate into a tax-free inheritance or a nest egg into income for generations.
Estate Planning
Let The Life Rock help you get all your Estate planning documents in order. We have partnered with Estate Documents Pro to give our clients the most intuitive, simple, and affordable path to get all their estate planning documents in order. Try this service out with our 10 day free trial.
If you prefer you can signup now and complete your estate planning documents today.